Watermelon and Peach Sparkling Water

Prep Time

8 minutes

Cook time

8 minutes


11 oz (may vary)


  • 1/2 of a large watermelon
  • 3 peaches
  • 1 lime
  • 350ml of sparkling water


          • Prep the watermelon. Slice and cut into small cubes, removing the outer green rind and leaving as much of the inner white rind as possible.
          • Prep the peaches. Cut into small pieces, discarding the pit.
          • Prep the lime. Remove the outer green rind, leaving as much of the inner white rind as possible.
          • Run all the fruit ingredients through your Aeitto Cold Press Juicer.
          • Combine 3 cups of juice with 1.5 cups of sparkling water in a serving jug. Pour in your favorite cocktail glasses. Garnish with lime slices.


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